Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lack of sleep led to this..

Yesterday when I got home from work I was exhausted. I finished feeding Ashlyn and went to get Kenly out of her bouncy chair; she wasn't there. I looked at the swing; not there either. I was thinking at this point "Why am I so tired that I can't locate my kid?" The whole time I'm asking Ashlyn "Where is your baby sister?" "Do you remember where Mommy put her?" I continued to search all of our "baby spots" throughout the house, each place bringing no luck. I was about to the point of all out panic when I realized I WAS HOLDING HER. Not only was I holding her but I had been patting her back the whole time. WOW! I just sat in the floor and laughed and apologized to Kenly... how do you misplace a child??
This story illustrates how completely different things are with the second child. For one thing - your first born has every second of your attention. Everything was SO new, so exciting, and we were so worried about every little thing. We spent every second holding, cuddling, doing tummy time, playing with rattles, etc. With Kenly - we know a little more about what we're doing and while we love her just as much and cherish every second, we can't physically spend the same amount of time with her. Add to that the fact that Allen was home every night for the first 7 months of Ashlyn's life and he's gone almost every night now; leaving my attention divided between both girls. I am completely outnumbered! It's a super fun challenge however and it's been very entertaining at times. I was trying to give both girls a bath simultaneously the other night and it ended with Kenly peeing all over me twice, Ashlyn having been in the tub for almost 45 minutes without getting her hair washed, and a total of 4 towels being used. One thing is for sure, I am never bored!!
I have so many pictures I need to get up from last weekend but have somehow lost the cable for the camera. Keep checking - they'll be up soon!

1 comment:

Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

That is SO funny! I've done that with my keys and sunglasses before, but never my child. ha ha