Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Ahh, Allen

I have to brag on Allen a little bit. He is the most awesome dad! He loves his girls SO much and he has a way with them that is truly amazing to watch. From day one of Ashlyn's birth he's been comfortable with feedings, changing yucky diapers and keeping the girls by himself. When Ashlyn was just 3 weeks old he kept her and sent me out for a night with the girls

-which is a pretty big deal seeing as he had never been around an infant before in his life! When Kenly was born he blew me away with how well he was able to adapt to having a newborn again. He is an excellent playmate - I constantly catch he and Ashlyn coming up with some new game and he will lie for hours in the floor with Kenly doing "tummy time." I know it's so hard on him being away so much (he works on the railroad) but we love him all the more for the sacrifices he makes for us. These girls are so lucky to be able to call him Daddy! If only we could get him to remember that the kid needs bottles of formula at 3AM rather than bottles of Dr. Pepper... (ask me about that story sometime. It's classic)


Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

Your girls are precious. And what a sweet hubby! I'm glad you are finally blogging. Look forward to seeing more pictures.

Anonymous said...

good ole' Al!!! i don't think I have heard the dp story, but definitly need to!!

Unknown said...

he is such a great son-in-law!!
i love him, dearly!