Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday Morning Epiphany (In letter form)

An open letter to myself:

Dear Kayla,

If your food-cooling/freezing device (aka fridge) has been out for a month and a half without managing to repair itself, the chances of it ever repairing itself are, I’d say, slim to none. Unplugging and re-plugging in the machine multiple times will not work. Don’t even think about trying that. In this case you might want to call a repairman who has the skills, knowledge, tools and experience to restore your (its) refrigerating abilities. I know this is a very difficult concept to grasp, but Kayla – if you don’t call someone to fix the refrigerator – NO ONE WILL. Perhaps if you drink a few glasses of wine before dialing the number, that will relax you and make this task a little less grueling. Just a suggestion.

Respectfully Yours (literally, too)

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