Thursday, August 2, 2007

Why can't I be one of those??

(The *uniques* that is.) You know, the geniuses, the artsy, the writers, the musicians, etc. But not just any old *unique,* I'm talking about the ones who are extreme. Writers who lock themselves away from society for years, those who have so much intelligence they can't interact in society..I have recently come across quite a few of these intriguing souls and I find myself longing to be one. One might say, "Kayla, you are weird." Yes, I'm *weird*, but that's the negative connatation. In all honesty I'm quite cookie cutter - married, kids, 8-5 job, so on and so forth. Do not get me wrong; I LOVE my roles as a wife and mother and wouldn't trade them. I just wish there was something at least minutely *unique*about me. Such as a passion for abstract art, a zest for rare and fine wine (I currently drink a bottle of $5.99 crap), a ridiculous need for expensive shoes even. (Jimmy Choos, what?)... something that puts me against the grain. I believe it's my new mission. I will search my brain for my inner *unique*... any suggestions??

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